Die! Die! Die!'s Andrew Wilson on getting older, the future of NZ music, and the proverbial echo room

This Thursday, Dunedin’s punk rock noise pop child Die! Die! Die! are capping off the New Zealand leg of their EP release tour with a highly anticipated show at Neck of the Woods - the night before they step onto the plane for a whirlwind tour of Australia.

To celebrate a brief lull in the madness, we shot six questions at the three-piece’s vocalist/guitarist, Andrew Wilson.

Die! Die! Die! formed in 2003 (you even had a MySpace). Going on 13 years, how have you evolved?

I have don't lose nearly as much sleep over Die! Die! Die! anymore. We kinda grew up, but decided we may as well still be as juvenile and silly while we can.


You've spent a huge chunk of the last decade on the road. How's that impacted your music, relationships with each other, and personal lives?

I think touring is really important - it ensures you don't live in some kind of echo room musically. But, personally, I feel it can be quite hard on your relationships, and your health.

I’ve seen a lot of things I never would have seen if I hadn't been in a band touring for the last 10 or so years... But then again, I’ve seen a lot of things I wish I didn’t see. So, I guess you’ve got to take the good with the bad.


DDD originated in Dunedin, but you've recorded considerably further afield; your first self-titled album in Chicago, Promises, Promises in New York, Harmony in France... How’s that impacted DDD?

I think it's got a lot to do with that echo room thing I just mentioned. You’re either the coolest thing in the world, and in your hometown, or the absolute worst. There doesn't seem to be much of a middle ground. Being away helps a lot because you can separate yourself from that, and know from a more objective place if what you’re doing is any good.


What's your favourite show you've played so far?

We have played a lot of shows - over 1,000 now - so I couldn't say I have a favourite. There's a lot of memorable ones, though! I've really enjoyed this last tour, and New Years in Dunedin was pretty special!

How are you feeling about the future of music coming out of New Zealand?

I think it's the best it has ever been.


What can people expect from Die! Die! Die!'s show this Thursday at Neck of the Woods?

Whatever they bring to the show! I'm also really excited to see the other bands again!!


Get your tickets to Die! Die! Die!'s What Did You Expect EP release show here.